Sunday, May 10, 2015

For the Record...

For the record, there is nothing wrong with my children.  Not a thing.  They process what they hear differently than I do.  That is the way their smart brains were wired to work and it is perfect. 

They do not have a disability... that is the label given to them by some professionals somewhere who didn't really understand what was happening in their above average intellectual brains.

I agree 100% that auditory processing makes it more difficult to hear in a regular classroom environment.  Throw in neat little things like open classrooms, co-teaching and group projects and we have a regular nightmare for those who struggle with auditory processing.

I also agree 100% that the processing part makes it difficult for my kids to learn in a traditional setting where the teacher lectures and the kids take notes.  My kids were created to get their hands down and dirty with learning.  If you want them to understand how something works, please allow them to take it apart and put it back together.  (wait... wouldn't they all learn better that way?) 

I will also concede 100% that my kids have brains that work like an electrical wiring system.  If you give them a random piece of information, it won't stick.  Just like if you were wiring a building, you start with a base wire that is hooked to electricity and send the signal out to where it needs to go... that is what my kids need.  They need a spark to build on.  They need new information  linked to what is already in their brains to have it make sense.  Just like you would not just put an outlet on the wall with no wires going to it and expect it to work; don't throw out random information and expect them to file it in the right place... (once again... don't we all do better this way?)

We do our kids a disservice when we label their 'superman' hearing as a disability.  They hear the term and start to think that something is wrong with them.  It is not wrong, it is different.  We, in the field of education, need to understand how this wiring system in the brains of all those kids we have labeled as 'learning disabled' really works and then figure out how to bring out the best in every child with every wiring system. Their differences are not 'disabilities' just because the standard way of teaching is not the best way for them to learn.

As parents, when we figure out what is going on with these smart kids, we need to see the label as an explanation, not a crutch.  If my child has a 'learning disability' (and for the record, I do not like this term) I need to educate myself as to the ways my child will struggle and teach them how to succeed as best they can in the traditional classroom setting that works for 90% of the learners out there.  Then I need to figure out how my child's brain works and find ways for my child to shine so that he/she can become the best, most self-confident and successful adult he/she can become.

1 comment:

  1. Love your very accurate explanation of APD and comparision to the wiring of a building. Very true! My son is 10 and was diagnosed a year ago. We struggled most of last year with a teacher who didn't care to learn anything about APD. Her only suggestion was to medicate him. Fortunately this year, we are in a new school with a new teacher who has a compassionate heart and has given me nothing but postive feedback. My son is a different kid... We spent most of last year walking around on egg shells around his explosive meltdowns. I am thrilled to have our happy-go-lucky son back who doesn't fight me every morning when it's time to go to school. Good luck to you and your family and thank you for your blog!
